Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thirteen Weeks to Go

I am 27 weeks pregnant today. I am due around September 12th or 15th 2010. One ultrasound said the 15th and the next said 12th. But who knows, the baby will come whenever he feels like it. Oh ya, and it's a BOY!

Boys are so rare in my family. I am one of three girls and between my two sisters, I have three nieces. So when I found out I was pregnant, I automatically assumed I was having a girl. I know intellectually that it is the man that determines the sex of a baby but it has always been assumed that women in my family cannot have or carry boys. (Old wives' tale, I know.)

The day I found out my baby was a boy I was shocked:

The ultrasound tech was doing all kinds of measurements of the baby's organs and bones. I could follow most of it and then at one point she was looking at an area and I had no idea what part of the body it was. When I asked, she laughed and said "it's the baby's sex." Up until this point I was trying to be patient with everything she had to do but I was dying to know for sure what I was having. When she said that I was stunned, she was looking at it for what seemed like forever and she hadn't told us yet!! "What is it?!" I asked.

"Well you see, this is one leg, this is another and here is a third."

It took a moment for this to sink in, my husband and I were both silent. Then when we realized what she was saying we started laughing. "It's a boy, there is a boy in there? Are you sure?"

She checked twice and sure enough, the little penis was there again. She even printed a picture, as proof I guess.

So much for mother's intuition! I was sure I was having a girl, I even had dreams of holding my baby girl in my arms and feeding her.

I am having a baby boy in approximately three months and I am so excited. I hope you follow me through all the excitement and stress of the coming months and beyond.

It's sure to be an adventure, especially since I have never even changed a boy's diaper...

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